Haddington Sprintelope
Wednesday 12th June

Haddington - map extract
This is our fourth event in the summer 2019 Sprintelope series taking place on Wednesday evenings. These are lightweight informal events featuring Urban style races around the streets of towns in East Lothian and other areas in and around Edinburgh.
Today’s courses are planned by Michael Atkinson and cover the town of Haddington – mostly areas which have not previously been used for orienteering on a new section of map.
- Registration from 18:00 to 19:00
- Starts from 18:30 to 19:30
- Urban Sprint for over 16s or shadowed juniors with SI for Start / Finish only
- Courses – 5 km with a shorter option of approximately 3.5 km
- £1 for juniors
- £2 for full-time students
- £3 for adults
- Postcode – EH41 4DB
- Grid Ref – NT513734
- Parking – Augbigny Sports Centre, Mill Wynd, Haddington
- Toilets – Augbigny Sports Centre
Because Urban courses involve road crossings, under 16s can only take part if accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.
Please note that this year there will be no junior courses at our Sprintelopes – these now have a separate programme of activities so that more groups such as scouts and guides can attend. For safeguarding reasons this programme won’t be publicly advertised but please contact us if you are interested in taking part.
By public transport…
- By bus – Haddington is served by East Coast buses
Wednesday evening events continue in the Edinburgh area – please see the Facebook page and the websites of the other clubs for more details Interlopers, ESOC and Roxburgh Reivers).
A thorough risk assessment has been carried out. By entering the event your accept that your name may appear in published results.
25th & 26th May Scottish Championships- Barns Ness
Saturday 29 June 2019