Winton Estate, Pencaitland
Saturday 19 January 2019

Winton Estate: © Richard Webb -
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Winton Estate was a new area for orienteering in East Lothian which attracted lots of experienced orienteers and local families.
Organisers Report
Thank you to Sir Francis Ogilvy for permission to map and run on this part of Winton Estate, and to Janis Ward, event co-ordinator for her help with the arrangements. £75 was collected for car parking which will be given to the estate as they do a lot not only to permit public access but do work in landscaping and improving and signing footpaths and walks.
We had 117 separate entries from almost 200 people, and this was all made possible by the excellent course planning by Debbie Riley and the help on the day from:
- Jenny and Michael Atkinson
- Jonah and Martyn Pegg
- Debbie, Simon and Duncan Riley
- Tim Harding
- Steph Valentin
- Jamie Wilson
- Pete Younger
- Julie Oswald
- Trina Rogerson
- Ian Rowland
- Robin Strain
… especially the last four who came along without expecting to compete.
Thank you to the young folk from the Knox Academy Duke of Edinburgh group for putting on the cake and drinks stall and thanks from the group to all of you for your custom as they were pleased to have raised £120 which will go towards getting trained in canoeing for the Silver Expedition.
Sheila Strain
Pre-event Information
There will be courses for orienteers of all ages from White, Yellow and Orange and Light Green.
Everyone is welcome to join us from 1:00pm for registration, with starts from 1:30pm until 2:30pm.
General Information
Type of event:
Local event in the East of Scotland Orienteering Association (ESOA) series.
The whole of Winton Estate was mapped in 2017 – 2018 by Stirling Surveys and was produced at 1:10,000. In order to make the network of footpaths clearer the Winton Hill section of the map has been expanded to 1:6,000 (ie 1 cm on the map is 60 metres on the ground).
The Winton Hill area consists of a shelter belt of woodland which surrounds out-of-bounds arable farmland. The woodland is old and mature with much natural undergrowth and is an area definitely better used in the winter when the vegetation is lower than in the summer. Nevertheless is brambly and thick in places. However, there are tiny, unmappable animal trods so if wanting to cut from path to path, look around for the easier ways through.
Even since the map was received the area has become more useful as uncrossable deer fences have been removed allowing access to two areas consisting of blocks of plantations of different kinds. Thinning and brashing has taken place recently, and footpaths have developed in the past few months, so the map has required considerable updating before ever having been used.
Other Users:
The woods are used by the general public. Please respect their right to be there at the same time as you are orienteering. You must not enter any out of bounds areas.
Please note that shooting will be taking place in the woods on the morning of the event so do not be tempted to do a recce or geocaching before the event start time.
Area is used by dog walkers so dogs are welcome. If taking a dog out on the course, please keep it away from the badger sett (which will be marked with pink hatching on the map).
Nearest town: Pencaitland
Grid Ref: NT 437 730
Postcode: EH34 5EY
On the B6355 from Tranent to Pencaitland, swing left at the main gates to Winton Estate then after 500 m at NT439700 turn left onto a track signed to Wintonhill. Note that this is a single lane track with nicely maintained grass borders. Be prepared to reverse some distance if you meet a car coming the opposite way. After 300 m turn left signed Wintonhill Farm
Parking is on hard standing around Wintonhill Farm Steading. There will be a charge of £1 per vehicle.
Registration & Start Times
Registration is from 1:00pm to 2:15pm in the parking field.
Pre-entry is not available; all entries will be taken on the day.
The registration form can be downloaded and completed before you arrive which will speed things up.
Fast track registration is available if you meet both these requirements…
- are a member of a Scottish orienteering club
- have your own dibber registered with SI.
Coffee and cake will be available at Assembly in return for donations to Knox Academy Duke of Edinburgh Group.
There are no public toilets in the area. The Winton Arms in Pencaitland welcome walkers and so may be amenable.
Start and Finish:
- Start and Finish are close together about 400 metres from car-parking and Registration
- Start times are from 1:30 pm to 2:30pm
- Courses close at 3:45 pm.
Courses Close:
Please report to the Download by 3:45pm, even if you have not completed your course.
Controls will be brought in from 3:45pm.
Course Information
The map is printed at 1:6,000 with 5m contours.
SportIdent (SI) electronic timing will be used – we will have SIs for hire free of charge but there is a £30 charge if lost.
There will be White, Yellow, Orange and Light Green courses.
Provisional course lengths are approximately as follows…
Course | Length | Difficulty |
White | 1.9 km | Very easy navigation controls are all on paths |
Yellow | 2.3 km | Easy navigation controls all on or visible from paths |
Orange | 3.9 km | Medium difficulty navigation controls are generally close to paths |
Light Green | 5.0 km | Hard Navigation controls are hard to find and to reach |
More details about the colour coding is available on the Scottish Orienteering website.
Debbie Riley
Entry Charges
Entry is cheaper if you are a current member of a club affiliated to Scottish or British Orienteering.
Please make sure that your membership has been renewed for 2019.
- Seniors
- British/Scottish Orienteering members – £ 4
- Non-members – £ 6
- Juniors
- British/Scottish Orienteering members – £ 1.50
- Non-members – £ 2.50
- Family Groups (ie one or more children accompanied by one or more adults)
- British/Scottish Orienteering members – £ 3
- Non-members – £ 5
- Pair of Seniors
- British/Scottish Orienteering members – £ 5
- Non-members – £ 7
- Pair of Juniors (ie no accompanying adults)
- British/Scottish Orienteering members – £ 2
- Non-members – £ 3
Safety and Risk
- A comprehensive risk assessment has been carried out by the organisers, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event
- The route to and from Start and Finish crosses the car access lane so both drivers and competitors should take care
- Shooting is taking place in the woods on the morning of the event. It will be finished before the event starts but do not do an early reconnaissance.
- Children must be kept away from any hay bales and fertiliser sacks in the farmyard.
Medical Conditions
If you, or anyone in your group (including juniors), have a medical condition that first-aiders or health professionals should know about in the event of accident or illness during the course of the event please print off the Medical Form, complete it fully and bring it along to the event. You should complete a separate copy for each individual who has a medical condition. Please leave the completed Medical Form at Event Registration. If it is not in a labelled sealed envelope, it will be put in one and will be opened only in an emergency. It will be shredded immediately after the event if you do not claim it back.
When entering our events your name will appear in the results section of this website and may appear in newspaper reports.
We may also take photographs at the event for publicity purposes – please let us know if you do not want us to use your photograph in this way.
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Saturday 29 December 2018 Festive Frolic: Levenhall Links- Membership 2019