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  • Barns Ness is a great area for orienteering, consisting of a fairly narrow strip of coastal land about 2000m long and no wider than 400m in any place; typically it’s around 200m wide. The immediate coastline in the north is mainly stony beach and rocky foreshore, with intricate sandy dunes on the east facing side. A flat coastal plain extends south. The obvious man-made features include disused limekiln buildings, the Lighthouse (completed in 1901 by cousins of Robert Louis Stevenson) and an old quarry. The western edge of the area is bordered by a steep slope, rising about 15-20m above the coastal plain.

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  • East Lothian Orienteers were involved in the East Lothian Schools Orienteering Festival held at Levenhall on Wednesday 19th February in conjunction with East Lothian Outdoor Learning Service.

    Although there were only bulk entries from two primary schools, six schools were represented and approximately 120 pupils took part. There was some hot competition, although we did hear of one boy saying he took a bit longer than he could to stay out of school as long as possible.

    In addition to the main competition there were a number of fun, orienteering-based activities and challenges. From all the reports we heard, all the pupils had a great time and we look forward to a bigger entry when the event returns next year.

    Results – East Lothian Schools Orienteering Festival – 19 Feb 2025

  • Many thanks to all who came to enjoy a run at JMCP with most courses venturing into the woods for the first time since the sad depletion by Storm Arwen in 2021.

    Special thanks to Jonathan and Andrea for planning and organising the event and to Jamie and Vik for arranging junior coaching beforehand. Jonathan planned an extra Red course for those who wanted to stretch their legs without a serious navigation challenge, and it was particularly popular on the day.

    The catering table raised £50 for Mary’s Meals plus any donations made online.


    • Simple results are here.
    • Routegadget allows you to plot your route, either by hand or by downloading a gpx file from a watch or phone and to look where you and others went.
    • Winsplits Online gives another way of comparing your times for each leg.
    • British Orienteering collect results from all events and publish ranking scores for larger events.
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  • Results

    • Simple results are here.
    • Routegadget allows you to plot your route, either by hand or by downloading a gpx file from a watch or phone and to look where you and others went.
    • Winsplits Online gives another way of comparing your times for each leg.
    • British Orienteering collect results from all events and publish ranking scores for larger events.
    • Scottish Orienteering Urban League

      We should like to apologise to those early starters on course 4 who lost some time at #1 due to the incorrect number on the loose control descriptions. We have considered voiding the course or removing the first two legs but having looked at the splits, we think that, with two or three exceptions, there was no significant impact on the results because of any delay you may have experienced. With apologies to those affected, we have left the results as they were at download.
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  • Results

    • Simple results are here.
    • Routegadget allows you to plot your route, either by hand or by downloading a gpx file from a watch or phone and to look where you and others went.
    • Winsplits Online gives another way of comparing your times for each leg.
    • British Orienteering collect results from all events and publish ranking scores for larger events.
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  • Congratulations to all our runners in the CompassSport Trophy. ELO finished a very creditable 9th out of 15 teams competing. Several of the clubs above us have much larger membership to draw on.

    All our runners completed their courses successfully and several were tackling courses tougher and/or longer than their usual ones.

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