Results: Levenhall Links
The weather may not have been as good as earlier in the day, but compared with what some areas have had, we were relatively lucky, although some people did get caught in the windy showers. Thirty-five people competed over the four courses set out. Well done to Martyn for his first planning of an open event and to Andy Duff for putting out the controls.
It was great to have the facilities of the Outdoor Education Centre. Thank you to them for making us welcome. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a base like that on the edge of every orienteering area!
Levenhall Links is an interesting area in that the whole of the western part, the main section of the map, has been built up over the years from the ash from Cockenzie Power Station. Old maps show the racecourse as being on the shore originally. The sea wall was built and then the lagoons were filled with the ash slurry which was pumped from Cockenzie and sprayed out. As the sections were filled, they were landscaped, forming the pond and the bird sanctuary (the out of bounds area just east of the pond). Now that the power station has closed, the remaining dark ashy bits should gradually become more attractive.
Those who did the Long Orange course visited control 148 which was in the old Morrison’s Haven, a once-thriving harbour which was infilled for safety reasons after it fell into disuse in the early twentieth century. Prior to that, the area around the harbour was an industrial site with chemical based factories, making sulphuric acid, soap, glass etc.
You will see that as well as the link to the results, there are links to WinSplits and to Routegadget. If you have not used these before they are worth exploring. Routegadget gives you the chance to draw onto the map the route you actually took between each control, and to compare your route and split time with those of others. Was your route the fastest?
Thank you for the £16 raised for Mary’s Meals by everyone who ‘paid’ for their drink or cake with a donation into the Big Blue Mug.