Lochend Woods, Dunbar
Saturday 27 October 2018

Lochend Wood: © Richard Webb - geograph.org.uk/p/4917225
Our October local event took place in the woods and streets in the south of Dunbar, with registration at Hallhill Sports Centre.
Having a Score event rather than the usual linear courses confused some but proved a welcome change for others. Thanks to everyone who came and to the many ELO members who helped before, during and afterwards. We had some technical glitches but hope nobody had to wait too long in the cold to register or download.
Over £45 was raised for charity by Anna Harding’s baking – her cakes were vegan and delicious.
Planner’s Report
The 60 minute allowance was clearly too generous for the Senior (including urban) course as several people managed to collect all controls well within the time allowed – thus removing some of the tactical element. Daniel Halliday completed a clean sweep in just over half the allowed time – despite not following the optimal route used by second-placed Sam McKinnon.
On the Junior (Lochend Wood) course nobody managed to collect everything within the time – although Connor McLaughlin came very close.
If you enjoyed a taste of Score orienteering then make sure you go to the Scottish Score Championships which are being held by Roxburgh Reivers at Elibank near Walkerburn on 27th November. Some of the categories will be hotly contested but others will have few runners – so you may stand a good chance of becoming a Scottish champion.
That is the day after our next event which will be at Saltoun Wood on Saturday 26th November. For that one we will be back to the usual range of linear courses – White / Yellow / Orange / Green(ish). We hope to see you there.
What is a Score event?
- You receive a map with the controls marked but with no set route shown between them. You must visit as many of the controls as possible in the time allowed
- You can visit them in any order you wish and you don’t have to visit them all
- Different controls have different points value so there is a tactical element in using your time to gain points efficiently
- Higher value controls will be further afield or harder to find
- You lose penalty points if you take longer than the time limit – so remember to bring a watch with you!
- The winner is the person with the most points after any penalties have been deducted. If there is a tie on points then the person who took the shorter time is the winner
- You don’t have to use the full time allowance – when you have had enough just return to the Finish.
Pre-event information
Courses available:
Two Score courses each with a 60 minute time limit…
- easier version – all controls can be reached without crossing public roads
- harder version – some controls are further afield and require road crossings
Because of the road crossings this course is not open to unaccompanied under 16s.
You can treat the easier version as a 1.5 km White course by visiting only the lower value controls which are all on the path network.
Type of event:
Local event in the East of Scotland Orienteering Association (ESOA) series
Type of terrain:
Lochend is a flat wood mainly made up of conifers with patches of birch and ash. There is an extensive path network and some vehicle tracks where care is needed. Even at this time of year undergrowth can be very dense once you leave the path network. There are some nettles and brambles so full leg cover is recommended.
Some of the patches of woodland are separated by roads and houses. None of the controls are in urban sites but you may choose to use urban paths in your routes between controls if you are doing the harder course.
General Information
Other Users:
The woods is very well used by the general public including dog walkers and families. Please respect their right to be there at the same time as you are orienteering. Please observe any out of bounds areas
The area is well used by dog walkers so dogs are welcome
Dunbar is the driest, sunniest town in Scotland, but we can’t guarantee the weather.
Nearest town: Dunbar
Grid Ref: NT675783
Postcode: EH42 1QZ
Leave the A1 at the ASDA roundabout and at the next roundabout turn left onto Kellie Road. Carry on to the car park for the Halhill Sports Centre. There are a hourly bus and train services from Edinburgh to Dunbar on Saturdays and less than 1km to walk within Dunbar to Registration.
Registration & Start Times
- From 1:00pm to 2.30pm at the car park
- Pre-entry is not available – all entries will be taken on the day
- Fast track entry if you are a club member with your own SI dibber
- Please try to come early if you would like advice or guidance beforehand
- Controls will be brought in from 3:30pm – we need to get the controls in before it gets too dark.
Start and Finish:
close to Registration
Start times: from 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Courses Close: at 3:30pm
Map Information:
The map covers both woodland and urban areas and has been redrawn to sprint standards and printed at 1:5000
are available at Hallhill Healthy Living centre
at the Registration there will be coffee and cake in return for donations to Mary’s Meals. Also varied food and drink at Hallhill Heathy Living Centre
SportIdent (SI) electronic timing will be used. If you have your own SI please bring it with you. We will have SIs for hire free of charge but there is a £30 charge if lost.
Entry Charges
- Seniors
- British/Scottish Orienteering members – £3
- Non-members – £5
- Juniors
- British/Scottish Orienteering members – £1.50
- Non-members – £2.50
- Groups (Adults + children)
- Each additional adult in a group: add £1
- Each additional Junior in a group: add 50p
ELO membership:
We would like you to join our club but you may care to wait until the week after this event – because from 1st November you will pay for 12 months but get 14 months membership ie November and December 2018 plus the whole of 2019.
Organiser and Planner:
Pete Younger
Safety and Risk:
A comprehensive risk assessment has been carried out by the organiser but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
Medical Conditions
If you, or anyone in your group (including juniors), have a medical condition that first-aiders or health professionals should know about in the event of accident or illness during the course of the event please print off the Medical Form, complete it fully and bring it along to the event. You should complete a separate copy for each individual who has a medical condition. Please leave the completed Medical Form at Event Registration. If it is not in a labelled sealed envelope, it will be put in one and will be opened only in an emergency. It will be shredded immediately after the event if you do not claim it back.
When entering our events your name will appear in the results section of this website and may appear in newspaper reports. Read our privacy policy