12th October 2017

East of Scotland Orienteering Association AGM
Report: The ESOA AGM was a fairly routine event this year with ESOA finances in good health (largely thanks to high numbers at the 2017 Scottish Championships held in East Lothian in May) and the various event programmes (SoSOL at level C and Saturday Local events at Level D) running well with generally good attendances.
Most discussion centred on Junior training which co-ordinated and supported by ESOA. While some individual juniors have had great success in recent years the East area is still some way behind the North and the West in depth of talent and participation. ESOA is subsidising team hoodies* for those going to the Junior Inter Area Champs at the end of October. It was agreed that all clubs should work to raise the profile of the support available for juniors.
*The original date for ordering hoodies has passed but there may be some spares when the order arrives later this month. They feature the winning logo designed by Thomas Ross of Interlopers…
All members of ESOA clubs*** very welcome come to hear the reports, contribute to the discussions and enjoy the post meeting meal. Don’t worry, you won’t be put straight onto the committee just because you are there (although if you would like to…. )
*** ELO – ESOC – EUOC – INT – KFO – RR – Tay
More information on the poster (pdf).
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