ELO and ESOA AGMs 2022

It’s that time of year again. The AGM is the chance for all our members to have their say in the direction and running of the club.
The Club AGM will be held on the evening of Wednesday 23rd November, in the Compass School Hall, Haddington.
The AGM of ESOA (East of Scotland Orienteering Association) will be also held in November – on Thursday 10th November 2022 from 19:00 at The Steading at Hillend west of Edinburgh. ELO is part of ESOA so all our members are invited to attend that meeting too.
At the ELO AGM we will be electing our club officers for the next 12 months and deciding priorities for the range of club activities.
Usually we would also set the membership fees for the coming year but it has already been decided that we will stick with the same fees as for 2022.
Saturday 24th September 2022 Binning Wood- ELO’s Wonderful Weekend