CompassSport Trophy
ELO 5th out of 15 clubs

Some of the ELO team celebrating 2023's strong result
ELO came fifth out of fifteen clubs competing at the Scottish heat of the CompassSport Trophy at Faskally near Pitlochry.
This is our most impressive performance in the inter-club competition for many years. Emily Atkinson was the star performer, scoring maximum points by winning her course. But what made this a really good overall performance were the many runners who scored steadily by finishing in their respective top twenties.
It was great to have a strong ELO turnout and thanks are due to Jamie Wilson for enabling many of us to travel together by minibus which added to the happy atmosphere of ‘a grand day out’.
Advance information:
All ELO members are invited to enter the Scottish heat of this year’s CompassSport Cup and Trophy. It is being staged by STAG at Faskally on Sunday 12th Feb.
The CompassSport Trophy is an inter-club competition. Any member can score points for the club by entering and completing your ‘correct’ course.
STAG are offering major discounts on the entry fee for people who share transport to the event. We hope to run a minibus from Haddington and if it carries at least nine then they will each attract a 50% refund.
People sharing a car of at least three runners will attract a discount of 25%. Travelling by public transport brings a 75% refund.
Only two runners from each club can score points on any single course. So it is important to have both male and female runners right across the age range to maximise our scoring potential on all the courses available. Please let us know if you are prepared to tackle a longer run than usual so that we can cover all the courses
Here’s a link to the full competition rules updated for 2023.
This is a list of the age categories for each course …
Class / Course BOF Age Class
1 Brown Men Open
2 Short Brown M20- M40+
3 Blue Women Women Open
4 Blue Men M50+
5 Green Women W20- W45+
6 Green Men M60+
7 Veterans Short Green M70+ W60+
8A Junior men (Green) Men 18-
8B Junior Women (Short Green) Women 18-
9A Ornage Men Men 14-
9B Orange Women Women 14-
10 Super Vets Short Green M80+ W70+
Hi Pete,
I think I am really an orange, but could try a green if that would be better – I’m vet 60…
What do you think!
Hi Chris.
Thanks for signing up.
I know you had a good run at Faskally a few years ago.
Do you mind if I wait to see who has entered before allocating people to courses?