Coronavirus (COVID-19)

All orienteering events are cancelled or postponed. Orienteering might soon be allowed under the Scottish government’s current restrictions but would only be available to very local entry as there is a five mile limit on travel for leisure purposes.
So we will have no public events until the end of July at the earliest – and possibly not until late August. Even then there are likely to be many restrictions such as mandatory pre-entry and possibly entry for members only.
Until traditional events restart we are concentrating on adapting some of our maps for MapRun and other developments …
Please let us know if you would like to help with these developments – or if you have others to suggest …
- MapRun is an app you use on your phone to download a preset course. The phone keeps track of your location and lets you know when you have reached each control site. This is clearly an exciting idea for the future of orienteering and we hope to convert as many of possible of our urban style maps and create courses which will be freely available to use
- This could be a good opportunity to update and expand our stock of maps so please let us know if you have suggestions for potential areas in East Lothian. If you already familiar with them please give us your opinion on the suitability of areas already under consideration – such as …
- Balgone estate near North Berwick – the two lochs below Balgone Heughs and the woods running south along the John Muir Way – East Wood and Craigmoor Wood
- Yester Woods – running south east along the new path to Garvald from Gifford around Gifford Water including the side glens of Todlaw Bog Wood and Shank Lea Wood (but excluding the area around Yester House enclosed by the ‘deer’ fence)
- Hopes reservoir south of Gifford
- North Berwick – the Glen and Coo’s Green, Castle Hill, East Links
Saturday 29 February 2020 Butterdean Wood, Gladsmuir- Saltoun Wood
Saturday 25 April 2020
Cancelled / Postponed